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Pillar of Light Magazine


Welcome to Pillar of Light, an exclusive magazine for leaders, where we aim to celebrate and highlight great personalities who have become a voice in their industries and sectors, and at their workplace.

We noticed that in fact, everyone has an impact on people and on the world around them, whether we are conscious f this or not. Therefore, your impact needs to be a conscious effort to create positive outcomes in the world around you.

At Pillar of Light Magazine, our aim is to make things differently, to make a difference. To “break the rules” shift paradigms, and bring awareness that the impact starts from within. Powerful leadership and a powerful impact on the world, start with great awareness, self-leadership, and how you think about yourself. And how you feel and think about yourself, has a ripple effect.


At Pillar of Light Magazine, our goal is to highlight problem-solving, solution-bringing leaders, from all areas of life.


We commit ourselves to remain on the path we have been called for to serve humanity the best we can.  We are so excited to bring Pillar of Light to you in form of a magazine, brought to light from our passion to help, inspire and uplift others. We will never cease trying to bring you the best leaders, speakers, and personalities from various backgrounds, for us to grow and shine our light together.  


We invite YOU to be part of it!


If you would love to be featured in the Pillar of Light Magazine, a magazine for authentic, heartfelt leaders, do not hesitate and get in touch with us.


Let us all lead with our Hearts, let us be the change we want to see in the world because we are stronger together.


With Love,

Krisztina  & Enolia

At Pillar of Light has also supports and has helped established Expressions of Humanity Magazine

Expressions of Humanity Foundation & Pillar of light are passionate about contributing to humankind, whether it is another individual, family, community, country, or the world. We invite you to participate in our projects.

We are dedicated to working for underprivileged communities, all across the world. Expressions of Humanity Foundation is committed to giving and connecting people with Hope: hope in a better future, education, shelter, clean water, and food. We dedicate ourselves to creating and delivering personality development programs, and sessions related to health, well-being, and related to careers.

Expressions of Humanity Foundation & Pillar of Light are constantly working to uplift the status of unprivileged people in our modern society. No child needs to be hungry or without proper education.

The five pillars of the development model of Expressions of Humanity are:

- To strengthen communities through education

- Healthcare

- Well-being

- Water and food

- Income and livelihood opportunities

Do you want to bring a change and create a positive impact on society?

Come and volunteer with us to reshape the life of underprivileged people.

We need you; the world needs you!

We function entirely through the efforts of volunteers, sponsors, donors, and an Executive Leadership team from all over the world.

With Love,

Krisztina  & Enolia

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Join us for our Next Magazine Edition

We invite you to share about your leadership and your work on your international platform

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